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Unlocking the Mystery: Will Parent PLUS Loans Receive Forgiveness?

Unlocking the Mystery: Will Parent PLUS Loans Receive Forgiveness?

Parent PLUS loans have been a source of controversy and confusion for many years. These loans, which are taken out by parents to help their children pay for college, have faced criticism for their high interest rates and strict repayment terms. However, the question of whether Parent PLUS loans will receive forgiveness has been a topic of much debate.

Many families who have borrowed through Parent PLUS loans are hoping for some form of forgiveness or relief. With mounting student loan debt causing financial strain for millions of Americans, it's no wonder why families are seeking any possible solution. But what does the future hold for Parent PLUS loans?

Unlocking the mystery of Parent PLUS loan forgiveness requires an understanding of how these loans work, as well as current discussions and proposals from lawmakers. If you're a parent who has taken out a Parent PLUS loan, or if you're considering this option for your child's education, it's important to be informed about the latest developments.

Read on to discover the truth about Parent PLUS loan forgiveness and what you can do to prepare for the future of these loans. Whether you're a concerned parent, a college student in need of financial aid, or just curious about the future of student lending, this article will provide valuable insights and information.

Are Parent Plus Loans Forgiven
"Are Parent Plus Loans Forgiven" ~ bbaz


The Parent PLUS loan program has been a source of financial aid for undergraduate students whose parents have an income below a certain threshold. However, with rising student loan debts, many parents are wondering if there is a possibility of forgiveness for Parent PLUS loans. In this article, we will explore the eligibility criteria and requirements for forgiveness under the program.

What are Parent PLUS Loans?

The Parent PLUS loan program is a federal loan program, which allows parents of dependent undergraduate students to borrow money to cover education costs. The loan is in the parent’s name, and the payment is due once the loan is disbursed. This loan is meant to cover any costs related to tuition, books, room, and board, as well as other school-related expenses. Unlike other student loans, Parent PLUS loans require a credit check to determine eligibility.

Can Parent PLUS Loans be Forgiven?

Parent PLUS Loans do not qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness or Income-Driven Repayment plans. However, there are some limited options available for forgiveness, mainly through Disability discharge or dischargement in case the parent borrower dies.

Disability Discharge

If the parent borrower becomes permanently disabled and unable to repay the loan, they may qualify for a discharge of their Parent PLUS loan. The borrower is required to submit an application to the U.S. Department of Education along with documentation confirming their disability status.

Deceased Borrower Discharge

If the parent borrower dies before paying off the Parent PLUS loan, the loan can be discharged. However, the discharge isn’t automatic, and the student must inform the loan servicer so that necessary documents can be submitted.

Are there any Qualifying Criteria for Forgiveness?

For Disability and Deceased Borrower discharge loan forgiveness options, there are specific requirements for eligibility. For Disability discharge, the borrower must be permanently disabled and unable to work. For Deceased Borrower discharge, the parent borrower must have passed away before paying the loan in full.


Parent PLUS loans are a great way for parents to help finance their child's education without immediate out-of-pocket expenses. However, there are limited forgiveness options available for Parent PLUS loans, and the criteria for eligibility are strict. It is important to understand the terms and conditions of the loan repayment to avoid future financial difficulties.

Parent PLUS Loan Forgiveness Eligibility Criteria
Totally and Permanently Disabled Borrower must be permanently disabled and unable to work
Deceased Borrower Parent borrower must pass away before paying off the loan in full


In our opinion, the Parent PLUS loan program should consider adding more forgiveness options to allow parents to qualify for a loan forgiveness program based on Income-Driven Repayment plans, PSLF, and other programs. It would help students to reduce their debts as well as relieve parental borrowers from a financial burden.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article on Parent PLUS Loan Forgiveness, of which we hope left you more informed and empowered than before. As a parent, as well as a borrower, exploring avenues for Student Loan Forgiveness can be daunting and confusing. Understanding that loans taken out for one's children can also incur personal liability in some cases can leave many feeling helpless or hopeless.

We here at XYZ Finance believe that the decision to invest in your child's education should be highly celebrated, and that your role as a parent is pivotal to the success of your child's financial future. While Student Loan Forgiveness may still be an elusive concept, we hope that our blog has given you a clearer understanding of the current state of Parent PLUS forgiveness opportunities, and how they may affect you.

Remember, knowledge is power, and with it comes great opportunity. Whether your next step is to consult a financial aid advisor, explore Loan Consolidation options or simply make a plan to better manage these loans going forward, by arming yourself with data and tools, you put yourself in the best possible position for success. Thank you again for reading,

People also ask about Unlocking the Mystery: Will Parent PLUS Loans Receive Forgiveness?

  • What are Parent PLUS loans?
  • Are Parent PLUS loans eligible for forgiveness?
  • What is the current status of Parent PLUS loan forgiveness?
  • What are the qualifications for Parent PLUS loan forgiveness?
  • Is there a timeline for when Parent PLUS loans may receive forgiveness?
  1. Parent PLUS loans are federal loans taken out by parents to help pay for their child's education.
  2. Currently, Parent PLUS loans are not eligible for forgiveness through any federal forgiveness programs.
  3. There have been discussions in Congress about including Parent PLUS loans in future forgiveness programs, but as of now, no concrete plans have been made.
  4. Qualifications for Parent PLUS loan forgiveness would likely be similar to those for other federal forgiveness programs, such as working in public service or teaching in low-income areas.
  5. It is unclear when or if Parent PLUS loans will receive forgiveness, as it depends on future legislation and government action.